Tuesday, July 20, 2010

a week without... Wiki

My boyfriend and I were on the Upper West Side discussing philosophy and literature one night over chinese food.

Him: We should read more. You know, to stimulate our minds.
Me: Uh, I read Wiki every day. Please pass a spring roll.
Him: Wikipedia doesn't count. In fact, it poisons our minds with its quick, convenient, PLETHORA of knowledge (I may be taking liberties with his dialogue, please note the lack of quotation marks). We should read classic literature.
Me: We should embrace our new technology. The grass is always greener blah blah blah.

The conversation continued. However, it made me wonder: Could I go a pre-determined length of time without the use of my beloved internet source for all things worth knowing? Could I go a week without Wiki?

To understand the full extent of this commitment you must know that I use Wiki (that's right Wiki and I dropped the -pedia years ago) roughly 30 times a day. I Wiki everything on my iPhone, from who is Seth Green's wife is to why do they capitalize the P in iPhone instead of the I? Inevitably one topic will lead to another and I will get stuck in a Wiki rabbit hole for hours. Finding out that Seth Green is (of course) married to Clare Grant will prompt me to Wiki the MTV series '$5 Cover' which will lead me to Wiki singer/song-writer Muck Sticky, from Tennessee, which will lead me to... well you get the idea.

What if I want to know the answer to a burning question I know I'm right about? What if I simply must learn about astrophysics in 60 seconds or less?

Going a week without Wiki won't be easy... but I'm up for the challenge.

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